Monday, 30 September 2013

Horror Month: Antichrist (Lars von Trier, 2009)

               I should mention before beginning that the list of horror films to watch this month consists of about 50/50 movies I've seen before and liked and movies I haven't seen and heard good things about. Antichrist fits both of those criteria: I have seen it (once) before and I have heard about it's brilliance from several people. The first time I watched this film I wasn't sure what I was in for, and was horrified by the end. The sexual violence that takes place in this film is completely disgusting, it is so explicit that most people would stop watching and condemn it altogether. But visually, the film is so completely riveting that any serious film proponent can never give up on it. Lars von Trier is clearly one sick dude to create something so visceral and disgusting, but a complete genius to come up with a film so visually impressive and thematically enthralling as this. Antichrist is disgustingly violent, but so incredibly well shot that no matter how violent it gets I can't pull myself away from it. The atmosphere is completely serious and horrifying from the beginning, and Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg's performances are spectacular right from the start. They are really the only two actors in this film, and they shine all the way through. The film follows Gainsbourg's descent from grief into madness very well, and she is incredibly unpredictable for the entire experience. I loved how quiet and serene the environments are, but how deceptively corrupted they are. Antichrist is a very disturbing but very, very well directed film, and I enjoyed every second of it.

A great film, and a great start to Horror Month.

October 2013: Horror Month!

So since it's October, the month that Halloween falls on, I'll be watching horror movies all month. The plan is to watch 5-6 horror films a week. I'll be writing posts about each film I watch, they'll be short and sweet because I'm in school, Grand Theft Auto 5 is out, and I have other shit to do. Stay Tuned.